After School Tutoring

Neha Bhardwhaj, Section Editor


Ms. Bartlau


  • Every Monday to Thursday, for an hour or so after school, there is a peer tutoring program held in Ms. Bartlau’s room (Room 319). Students who need extra help in any class can come to her room and find a tutor. Anyone can show up, sign in, and get to work. Typically, students who need help find a tutor themselves. Otherwise, they simply need to ask Ms. Bartlau to help them find a tutor. 
  • Students can receive help in just about any subject. Some come in multiple times for guidance on a particularly confusing unit, but more often, students simply need some help understanding a one lesson or assignment. Regardless of what type of help you need, there are always more than enough tutors to help.
  • If you do not necessarily need tutoring but would just like a quiet place to work after school, you are perfectly free to come by to do that as well. 


  • Go to Ms. Bartlau’s room and ask her for an application. The application asks for your grades, two teacher recommendations, and a few short answer questions about why you are interested in tutoring and what you would like to tutor. Once you fill out and turn in the application, you can get started. Tutors are given community service hours for the time they spend tutoring in her room. (Note: Ms. Bartlau she will only sign off on your service hours if you have at least 15 hours of tutoring for the year.)
  • You can join as a tutor for most of the year, but she stops accepting applications at some point in the second semester, so you should join as soon as possible if interested. 
  • You are not required to have straight A’s to be a tutor. However, you should be academically strong enough to tutor students in at least a couple subjects.