Guide to Freshman Year

Luke Curtis, Section Editor

Freshman year: New beginnings 

Freshman year. A new year, a new school, and new beginnings. The start to your four year journey through University High School begins with getting acclimated to your new surroundings. The best way for you to adjust to high school is to start, or continue developing study habits that you have acquired throughout the years. Though this sounds elementary and obvious, habit development is essential to navigating your high school years, and ultimately preparing you for larger course loads in Junior and Senior year. Take advantage of the planner that may come with the package you purchased during school signups. A $10.00 planner can save you hours of time, and keep your stress level down. Possibly ask your teacher what homework is assigned before class starts, as passing periods do not give you a luxury amount of time to jot down classwork, and immediately then head to your next class. Additionally, utilize office hours to the fullest extent that you can, as struggling on your own is not ideal. This will make you become more comfortable working with your teachers, and clarify new material. Outside of your academics, joining in on the thrilling excitement that percolates through every student on campus will only enrich your high school experience. As soon as Club Kickoff begins, explore the various types of clubs that you have the opportunity to join. Clubs are some of the most diverse and interesting experiences that UNI has to offer. You have the chance to join competitive clubs such as Model United Nations, Future Business Leaders of America, and Speech and Debate. If you’re not suited to competing in the field, and rather learning about new fields, helping communities, or playing games with enthusiasts, then clubs such as Dungeons and Dragons, Astronomy Club, Local Politics Club, Tongues Out, and Spanish Club are for you. Finally, get to know your teachers. Speak with them on things that interest you, and if you share any common interests, engage in conversation with them on those things. Getting to be comfortable with your teachers on an individual level can help you build friendships and support networks when you need them most. Overall, this will help you find University High School more of a second home to you, with teachers being more of the guides and less of instructors on your journey through the woods of life, and friends being your fellow travelers along the way.