Have you joined a club this fall yet? If you are deciding which club you want to join, and you are interested in science, you might want to consider the Ocean Science Bowl club. This club is an extension of the University High School (UHS) Science Club and is intended for students with a common interest in marine science and who want to learn more about the subject.This club allows you to show off your competitive side while still doing something you love. Students go to regional competitions in teams of five and compete in buzzer-type competitions that test their knowledge of marine science.
If the students win at the regional competition, they proceed to the national competition. The top three winning teams get the chance to go on amazing trips all around the globe. Even the National competition itself is held in Washington! This club is a great way to channel your competitive spirit, expand your knowledge of marine science and see new and exciting places along the way.
Although there are only five members in the team, the whole club is encouraged to participate by being spirited and providing support during the competitions. If you think you might want to join this club but do not know much about marine science, you are still in luck! No prior knowledge of marine science is necessary to join because you will simply learn by being involved and engaged in the weekly practices.
Over the summer, there are more practices and cram sessions in which the students in the club learn by studying oceanography as a group and as individuals. They take quizzes and listen to lectures by different students in the club. During the school year, practices are held every weekend at a club member’s house.
Harry Ho (Jr.)What is more convincing than a relaxed, fun place for friends to compete and share their common love for marine science? To find out further information or if you want to join, you can contact the captain of the team,
uhsosb@gmail.com, at the club email
. Do not wait any longer to join this great club that UHS has to offer!