A Midsummer Night’s DreamMs. Ranae Bettger (Drama Dept.)
, this year’s fall production, is one of William Shakespeare’s most well-known plays.
, who has experience in directing Shakespearean plays, promises an exciting and meaningful performance.
Shakespearean plays are very challenging pieces to perform, forcing the actors to focus on physical and vocal communication due to the lack of props and scenery used in the play.
More often than not, the audience only experiences Shakespeare in English class, where they are often intimidated by challenging diction.
“Good Shakespeare,” Bettger said, “should be performed so clearly that words aren’t needed to communicate at all. The physicalization [physical movement] should make the story clear.”
She is sure that her actors will live up to this demanding task and suggests everyone come see the play to experience Shakespeare in a new and amusing way.
Scenery and lighting in the production will be modern, colorful, visually stunning and inspired by metallic colors such as bronze, silver and gold on a classic Shakespearean raked (slanted) stage.
Bettger’s goal is to transform the play by modernizing some of the costumes.
Game of ThronesAccording to Bettger, “The Athenians will be presented in classical Shakespearian garb. The Faerie world is inspired by nature and the Dothraki from
. The Mechanicals are inspired by the originals clowns of Commedia dell’arte.”
Bettger said, “The show is sure to surprise, entice and inspire audiences to fall in love with Shakespeare and University High School Theatre Arts.”
A Midsummer Night’s DreamThe cast of
The Athenian Court:
Catalina Fernandez (So.)as Hippolyta
Hesam Modaresi (Sr.)as Theseus
Alexandra Kramer (Sr.)as Helena
Megan Tran (Sr.)as Hermia
Alberto Silva (Sr.)as Lysander
Harrison Bachman (Sr.)as Demitrius
The Faeries:
Yamini Nambimadom (So.)as Titania
Darrius Estigoy (Fr.)as Oberon
Melissa Calica (Sr.)as Puck
The Mechanicals:
Sami Lodi (Sr.)as Nick Bottom
Megan McCarthy (Jr.)as Patrice Quince
A Midsummer Night’s DreamCome see
showing on November 20 through November 23 starting at 6:30 p.m. in the Big Theater.
www.seatyourself.biz/iusdTickets go on sale starting on November 12 in the little theater, or can be purchased online at
. They can also be purchased at the door. The admission is $13 for the general public, $10 for students with ASB, and $7 for senior citizens and children 10 and under.