Letters to Juniors
In about 2 months, the Class of 2023 will be the new seniors, and they could probably use all the help they can get.
April 13, 2022
Scientists say wisdom really does come from age. To test that out here at University High, some members of the class of 2022 agreed to share small pieces of advice with the class of 2023 for their upcoming senior year.
The Class of 2022 went through their junior year in either hybrid or IVA models, which changed the way many viewed their senior year experience at UHS. In about 2 months, the Class of 2023 will be the new seniors, and they could probably use all the help they can get.
To all Juniors,
Be you, focus on you and enjoy your senior year because it passes by way faster than you expect. Make the most of it, go to shows and games, participate in activities. The most challenging part, for me, was realizing that it’s time to move on and become an adult. Senior year is great, and having to leave all of it does get sad by the end of it. – Ahmad Atkins, Sr.
Don’t stress as much because everything will work out. Staying motivated and finishing out high school can be challenging but keep pushing through to get your college apps out of the way as soon as possible and the rest of the school year will be easy sailing. – Caio Souza, Sr.
Honestly Academics wise, it’s way lighter than junior year, so don’t worry, but the mental toll that senior year will have on you is no joke; remember to take breaks and celebrate all of the little things and keep on swimming! – Sol Choi, Sr.
Don’t bring yourself down in the midst of college apps and definitely don’t think you’re worth less than anyone else because you’re not. Take breaks, check in on your friends, and make time for yourself to recuperate. – Saloni Sharma, Sr.
Don’t stress about little things too much. Although it can be different for everyone, It probably isn’t as bad as you think it is. Try to get as much sleep as you can, make memories with your friends and try to find the good in every situation and make the best out of your year, because you will remember it forever! – Dani Iwakoshi, Sr.
Enjoy your senior year rather than stressing out about it, because junior year was the time for stress. I wouldn’t want to regret not making memories, so honestly, just relax and have fun. – Zach Palmer, Sr.
To All Juniors,
Surround yourself with people who make you feel good about yourself, and push you to be the best version of you. Talk to as many people as you can because once you find your own, Its People are one of the best parts about UNI.
Your last year should be all about you—not college applications, not SATs and ACTs, not Ap Tests. Remind yourself that numbers or scores don’t define you as a person; they cannot even come close to it.
Keep your perspective and remember to also keep your distance from people that are too anxious about academics or college admissions. One thing you will learn this year is that anxiety caused by academics among peers can be highly contagious, so try to stay organized and not overthink.
Trust yourself, trust the process, and keep the future in mind. Motivate yourself with the idea of the future, instead of scaring yourself with it. Find ways to visualize where you would want to be, and use that image as a set goal.
Of course, not everything is going to work out the way you want it to, but just like the other 19 million people that survived applying to college, you will too.
You’re in for a ride, so make it a fun one
– Lila Sepici