On Friday, January 17, University High School (UHS) dominated in a Comedy Sportz match against Irvine High School (IHS).
Noah Obstfeld (So.)The match began with an opener where two teams of new UHS Comedy Sportz players competed. The two teams were captained by
Dylan Green (Sr.)and
Megan Tran (Sr.)and teams included
Daniel Cramer (Sr.),
Riley Duncan (So.),
Corinne Alsop (Fr.)and
, who played on stage for their first time.
Stephen Manga (Sr.)During the first half of the actual match, the UHS team, captained by
, won three games and IHS only one, making the halftime score 15 to 5.
Tarek Khelif (Sr.)Each team won two more games during the second half, making the match a strong win for UHS. Captain
took over as captain during this half, reenacting the Comedy Sportz Univision advertisement as the match ended with him doing slow-motion splits.
Anna LadokhinAlsop, who was in the audience after her performance in the opener, said, “The match was spectacular. The game of Blind Stage Directions, where players have to take cues from random plays, was an audience favorite.” This game featured Manga,
(Sr.)Eli Tita (So.)and
Layla Bina (Sr.)acting as prison inmates until
jumped into the scene as the director of a play about prison inmates.
Khelif said his favorite game was at the end of the first half, where Tita “casually slaughtered an offer in front of a little girl (played by Bina) on a weekend outing, sending the little girl, thoroughly traumatized, dashing to the other side of the stage in bewildered terror. Their complete commitment to their reactions was hilarious.”
“It was our best match so far this year,” Khelif said.
Written by EMMA REMYStaff Writer