“Ahsoka,” directed by Dave Filoni, is Disney’s newest addition to the “Star Wars Series.” The long-awaited series follows Ahsoka Tano, played by Rosario Dawson, as she investigates an emerging threat to the galaxy following the fall of the Empire. Ahsoka made her debut in the 2008 animated series “Star Wars: The Clone Wars” and grew to become one of the most iconic Star Wars characters.
One of the most compelling announcements surrounding the series is the return of Hayden Christensen to the role of Anakin Skywalker. Christensen portrayed the troubled Jedi in “Star Wars: Episode II – Attack of the Clones” and “Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith.” Christensen’s return to the iconic role brings hope for a deeper look into the iconic character’s journey.
The idea of Anakin and Ahsoka sharing the live-action screen is a dream come true for Star Wars fans. Not only do fans get to see Christensen’s proper return to the role of Anakin after four years, but they also get to see a fan-favorite animated series connected to a new live-action series. Seeing the story between the master and apprentice brought back to life in a new medium will be incredibly exciting for Star Wars fans.
“When I read the scripts for the first time, I was just blown away,” Christensen said. “When I got the phone call from Dave Filoni and Jon Favreau to talk about being a part of the “Ahsoka” project, I was thrilled to get to come back and do more with this character.”
Another well-liked character who makes a return in the series is Ezra Bridger from the 2014 animated series, “Star Wars Rebels.” Portrayed by Eman Esfandi, Ezra returns after disappearing at the end of the animated series, which leads to his return in the live-action. Esfandi puts on an accurate representation of an older version of Ezra and behaves faithfully to his character in the animated series.
The animated series “Star Wars: The Clone Wars” has seven seasons, while “Ahsoka” only has eight episodes. Plot-wise, the animated series is more complex and entertaining than the live-action continuation. I recommend the animated series to those who wish to see a faster-paced story packed with more action and “Ahsoka” for those who wish to see a continued story of a fan-favorite character.