Todd Phillips’s “Joker: Folie à Deux,” the sequel to 2019’s “Joker,” was released on Oct. 4, 2024. Following the premiere of the film’s teaser trailer on April 9, 2024, fans expressed immense support for the movie due to the original film’s iconic performance from actor Joaquin Phoenix and the second film’s addition of actress Lady Gaga, who portrays Harley Quinn.
Upon closer inspection, the film appeared to be a musical, a genre that clashed with the first film’s tone and style. Many fans expressed mixed opinions on social media, with some believing that a musical style came with more opportunities to create a distinctly unique film. In contrast, others thought that the genre should have aligned with that of the first film.
I had mixed feelings regarding the musical aspects at the beginning of this film. However, I found no major problem with how the songs were performed. Although the second film included many musical performances shared by Phoenix and Gaga, the musical aspects did not derail the movie from the overall plot. Gaga, an incredibly talented singer, significantly contributed to the performance of the musical scenes, and Phoenix’s raspy voice allowed for a more unsettling tone, which fit the movie well.
Aside from the musical aspects of the film, Phoenix and Gaga provided excellent performances, giving life to two complex and tormented characters. However, the general plot of the movie caused me significant confusion. Taking place immediately after the first movie, this film spends a vast amount of time in Arthur Fleck’s trial in court. While important, the amount of time spent on this causes a considerable lack of pacing and a focus on meandering scenes.
Another aspect of the film that falls short compared to the first movie is its transitions. The choppy transitions from musical sequences to serious dramatic scenes cause the narrative to feel disjointed and jarring. Many fans of 2019’s “Joker” enjoyed the grim realism seen in the film. This atmosphere was simply not seen in the second movie due to the exaggerated surrealism the musical aspects introduce.
This film tends to rely heavily on style over everything else, which ultimately distracts many viewers. While the film does attempt to explore more complex themes, such as mental illness and reality versus delusion, many sequences seem designed to be more visually striking than plot-driven. This causes certain scenes to come across as hollow and less impactful. Although the film’s attempt to balance complex emotional depth with musical interludes is ambitious, the lack of narrative cohesion causes some scenes to have their emotional impact undercut.
Overall, “Joker: Folie à Deux” is a daring sequel that attempts to expand on the first film’s psychological depth while experimenting with a musical genre. The performances by both Phoenix and Gaga are remarkable, yet the film’s uneven pacing and imbalance between style over story detract from the overall impact. Despite these drawbacks, “Joker: Folie à Deux” excels in standing as a distinctly different addition to the story of the “Joker.” I recommend this film to fans of musical-styled films. However, if you are searching for a movie with a more in-depth and complex plot, 2019’s “Joker” does a more efficient job of providing just that.