October Artist of the Month: Aslan Askar

Timi Fang

Aslan Askar

Reagan Gregory, Staff Writer

Junior Aslan Askar was nominated for October Artist of the Month by art studio teacher Ms. Christan Ibrahim. Ibrahim nominated them due to “how immersed they have been in the creative process since day one of art studio.”

Ibrahim finds their will to experiment refreshing and is extremely pleased with their knowledge of composition that shows through their thumbnail sketches.

“I doodle a lot and I wanted to take art because I wanted to have fun in school, then I realized that the art studio has a good budget and a lot of equipment” Aslan stated. “Uni’s art program has been able to help Askar improve their skills and knowledge,” Ibrahim commented

Askar is passionate about art, which shows through their readiness to take on any future challenges.

“I look forward to learning everything,” Askar said when asked about what they are most excited to learn in the class. 

When bored in class, Askar doodles to pass the time, but when completing formal art assignments, they prefer to make something more bold. 

“I just like drawing pop art or anything abstract,” Askar said.  “If it sticks out then people will notice it. The idea with pop art and abstract is that it’s nonconforming art which makes it really cool.”

Askar discovered their artistic ability to do line work recently due to joining the art studio class. 

“I thought I was bad at perspective drawing but I did it again and it turned out good. I thought I was bad,” Askar said.  Askar’s determination shows through their willingness to continue trying. 

Outside of the art studio class, they also like to paint. 

“I have a few paintings that I have painted but I haven’t taken a real painting class,” Askar commented. They also mentioned that they are able to use the skills that they learned in art class on their own art that they complete in their free time.