Part-Time Jobs of UHS Students


Asael Peña

Baristas at Starbucks serve customers during their shift.

Roger Xu, Staff Writer

Work experience is crucial to the process of gaining more job opportunities and helps build the fundamental skills needed to thrive independently. Many students at UHS take their first step into society by taking on a part-time job before reaching 18, which helps them learn more about how the world functions. They work part-time for different reasons: some want to make money so that they can buy something for themselves or their family, some want to grow their independence before entering college and some want to be more productive in their lives. Fast food industries are usually the most popular part-time jobs amongst students at UHS, so here are some of the best fast food places students chose to work at.


A lot of UHS students love to go to Starbucks and enjoy the drinks, so finding a position at Starbucks is a fantastic first job. Not only do employees get discounts for food and beverages in any Starbucks, but the fast-paced workplace and opportunities for learning also make it a great place to work.

“I have improved in so many different ways such as time management and studying habits after working [at] Starbucks for one year,” senior Miller Anderson said. “The free training program made me into a person that I cannot even recognize.”

With all that being said, if you are prepared to put in the effort, working at this well-known coffee chain is the perfect place for students to enjoy working. Furthermore, receiving paychecks for the first time makes many students feel accomplished and proud of themselves. 

“I was so excited [for my first paycheck] and thinking where to spend this huge amount of money I have been working so hard for,” junior Alexander Sanchez said. “I finally understand how hard it is to get money, so I will definitely find ways to save money in the future.”


With 74 years of history and as one of the oldest fast food chains in the world, In-n-Out’s reputation in the fast food industry has made it one of the most popular places to work.

Even though it is hard to find job openings at the nearby UTC In-n-Out, students still have found work at other locations. The management and organization of the company have made many students feel welcomed, and many have found their coworkers and employers easy to get along with. 

“It’s a really comfortable place to work, as every employee treats each other with [the] utmost respect,” junior Shyla Ahuja said.

Multiple benefits of In-n-Out have attracted groups of students to work with the company, from its relatively high starting pay of $19 per hour, free meals and a 15% discount at the In-n-Out company store. 


Whether you are a cashier or part of the kitchen staff at Chick-fil-A, you will catch up quickly to the fast pace of the job because of its expeditious training. The best benefit of working at Chick-fil-A is the flexible schedule that makes it easy to find time to work and not worry about studying or extracurriculars. 

“I learned a lot of people skills and how to manage a stressful environment while I was in my junior year, [which are] very useful skills to learn to apply to later in life,” junior Chris Zhu said. 

Overall, the managers are forgiving, and most customers are nice. Though fast food establishments are notoriously poor workplaces, Chick-fil-A is known as the exception to this common belief, with only occasional obnoxious or disrespectful customers. With every shift, you are given a free dinner, and you still get a 50% discount on all menu items even when you are not working. Even though Chick-fil-A is very busy, employees are good-natured and like to chat amongst themselves when they have free time. This would be an excellent first job for those searching to join the workforce.

All in all, most UHS students look to popular fast food restaurants for their first part-time jobs and end up glad that they started out working at these places. From the discounts to befriending fellow employees to simply being in a working environment, there are numerous benefits to having a part-time job and the lessons learned can culminate in revealing one’s unlimited potential.