Staff Writer
At University High School, many students incorporate the option of going off-campus for lunch into their school day. Going off-campus can be a likable option for some, especially because of the nearby restaurants and stores. Others, however, consider the amount of time given for lunch and prefer to stay on campus.
To grasp a better understanding of how the student body feels in regards to the subject, students were encouraged to share their opinions. They were asked to discuss which they prefer: going off-campus or staying at school.
Yamini Nambimadom (Jr.)In favor of going off-campus for lunch,
discussed how she has benefited from this option. She said, “Although I am often busy with clubs and meetings during lunch, I do prefer going off campus when I can because it’s nice to get away from school.” She claims that by doing so, she has a wider option of food to choose from. She said, “I especially like the University Town Center because it has Cha [for Tea], Blaze Pizza, Veggie Grill, and Nekter!”
Christa Pehrson (Jr.)Similar to Nambimadom,
believes in the benefits of going off-campus. Pehrson said, “If I go anywhere it’s Starbucks! I love going off to get drinks or fun treats.” However, she also said, “Lunch is too short to go off and enjoy a nice meal” and thus, tends to stay at school.
Josie Bachman (So.)To expand on not having enough time to go off-campus,
shares her side. Since Josie does not have a car to drive during lunch, she has to walk to her destination. Even though it may seem difficult leaving for lunch and returning on time for class, she says, “The walk to Albertsons, where I usually go for lunch, is only five minutes. I don’t mind that because when I am walking along, talking to my friends, time flies by and we’re there in no time. I have enough time to pick up some food, socialize, and make it for class.” Overall, she encourages the option to go off-campus and says, “You have to organize your time off-campus wisely but, it’s worth it. It gives me a sense of freedom; I can relieve whatever stress I had that school day.”
Students may have a broad range of opinions when it comes to going off-campus for lunch, but they can agree that regardless of what you choose to do, the time given for lunch should be spent releasing any stress and hanging out with friends.
Library-Goer • Feb 23, 2015 at 5:44 pm
Wow, and then here I am reading textbooks at lunch.