Alberto Silva (Sr.)Stephen Manga (Sr.)
have been actively involved with the UHS Choir Program throughout their high school years. The two Madrigals singers’ passion for music is evident in their cover of “When I Was Your Man” by Bruno Mars and “Stay” by Rihanna. Silva, who has three years of experience in singing groups, said it took them two weeks to perfect their rendition. On the other hand, Manga has had no formal training as a singer but has learned piano for 11 years, cello for 8 years, and ukelele for 1 year. Manga said that his dedication towards music stems from his belief that “when people smile because they hear something I play, it makes all the hours practicing worthwhile.”
goo.gl/Q4OGAjBe sure to listen to their performance at
If any other UHS students would like their talent to be featured in our online publication, please contact us by submitting a comment below.
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Staff Writers