Sports Editor
Boys Water Polo started off strong against Irvine, but lost control of the game down the stretch in a 12-19 loss on Tuesday, October 11.
In the first quarter, star players Kei Yoshikawa (Sr.), Bennett Kidder (Jr.) and Ben Gomez (Sr.) put UHS in the lead with 5-1. Goalie Cameron Bernardo (So.) defended UHS and was able to block many of the Vaqueros’ shots in the beginning.
“The Varsity team has a lot of seniors this year,” Kelcy Rodriguez (Jr.), a spectator, said. “They have more experience. I think this year they have a chance to do really well.”
However by the second quarter, Irvine performed better and caught up to UHS with a 10-1 run and led at halftime 10-6.
After the third quarter, the Trojans were able to improve their plays. Daniel Campanero (Sr.) scored 6 goals, but despite his effort UHS still lost by 7 points.
“At the last game, [UHS] won against Beckman,” Yuuri Yoshikawa (So)., a Girls Water Polo player said. “Even though they lost this round, I think [UHS] is on the right track.”
This Thursday, UHS is set to face Woodbridge in an away game.